Go to Tools > Options in Visual Studio 2019.Setting Cascadia Code in Visual Studio 2019 Note: If you've installed font and it does not get applied in VS Code, try restarting VS Code. Select, or type in, the desired font weight (the latest version of VS Code allows manual entry of any font weight).To customize weight, enter "Font Weight" in search field.Enable Font Ligatures option available just below 'Font Face'.Enter following in Font Face option: 'Cascadia Code', Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace.Go to File > Preferences > Settings or hit Ctrl +, in VS Code.Please see the double install page if you should run into issues Installing Cascadia Code in VS Code Not doing so can result in improper rendering. 👉 Note: If you have previously installed a version of Cascadia Code, please uninstall the previous version prior to installing a new version. This window should have an "Install" button that will install the font on your machine when clicked. Once unzipped, open the font file-this will open a new window displaying the characters included in the font along with the font displayed at different sizes. Whichever format you prefer to install, we do not recommend installing more than one as it can cause naming issues within the OS. WOFF2: These versions are provided for the purposes of web use, and are available both as variable fonts, and static instances.At this time we do not have a variable font OTF version. otf static: for users who prefer OTF format fonts, otf static instances are provided.However, please note they do not have the same degree of hinting quality as the variable font versions. ttf static: in the rare situation where the above variable font version is not supported, or a singular weight is preferred to the entire range, static formats are supplied.It offers the greatest diversity of weight options (anything from 200-700). ttf variable: we recommend this version for all users, particularly those on Windows or any other OS that employs TrueType hinting.The download zip contains various file formats: Cascadia (Code|Mono) PL: version of Cascadia that has embedded Powerline symbols.Cascadia Mono: version of Cascadia that doesn't have ligatures.Cascadia Code: standard version of Cascadia.You can download a zip containing the latest version of Cascadia Code from the releases page here: